I have a general idea of what we will put in the bags, but I may need some additional preparation to get all the items together (and get them to Michigan and get the items in the bags.) Here is what I’m thinking I would like to include:
A Map for the People Mover so that guests can easily find their way around the city.
Crosswords or Word Puzzles to keep people busy during down time.
Assorted snacks to keep the hunger away.
Water (possibly with a wedding label) to keep guests hydrated.
If we want to get a little fancier we might consider including items such as these:
Scented Candle to keep the room smelling fresh.
Sleeping Mask to keep the sunrise over the Detroit River from ruining much needed beauty sleep.
Fuzzy Slippers, just because.
Most likely we will keep it simple. But wouldn’t it be funny to see Uncle Terry walking the halls of the Marriott in a pair of fuzzy slippers like these babies?
Sleeping Mask to keep the sunrise over the Detroit River from ruining much needed beauty sleep.
Fuzzy Slippers, just because.
Most likely we will keep it simple. But wouldn’t it be funny to see Uncle Terry walking the halls of the Marriott in a pair of fuzzy slippers like these babies?